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А. Входной направляющий аппарат. А. Входной направляющий аппарат Воздух, входящий в компрессор со скоростью с 1 движется параллельно оси компрессора.

Dable - Spanish to English Translation | Spanish Central

dable = feasible adjective. dable adjective. adjective. English Translation of DABLE: feasible, possible. en lo que sea dable as far as possible. no es dable hacerlo it is not possible or feasible to do it. Seen & Heard . What made you want to look up dable? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).

Dabbled - definition of dabbled by The Free Dictionary

The truth is, I never dabbled in flashy matters, but jogged on in the good old sober routine of the calling -- a calling in which I should, no doubt, have remained to the present hour, but for a little accident which happened to me in the prosecution of one of the usual business operations of the profession.


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