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Watch video· A family saga with a supernatural twist, set in a German town, where the disappearance of two young children exposes the relationships among four families.

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The X-Files centers on FBI special agents Scully and Mulder as they investigate unexplained cases -- "X-Files" -- for which the only answers involve paranormal phenomena. New …

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The latest game reviews, trailers, and walkthroughs from the #1 games media company. As the leading source for gaming news on the net, IGN brings you the...

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Mar 10, 2009· Spandau Ballet are one of Britain’s great iconic bands having sold over 25 million records, scored numerous multi-platinum albums and amassed 23 …

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Every day, people go to YouTube to learn something new—like Joshua, an Army veteran who became a physicist after he used YouTube to teach himself trigonometry. Check …

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