Leitha пример известняк

Letha - Name Meaning, What does Letha mean?

Letha is a very popular first name for females (#734 out of 4276, Top 17%) but a unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS) Letha reached its apex position of #242 in the U.S. in the 1900s, but is not in the list currently.

Leitha - Wikipedia

The Leitha rises in Lower Austria at the confluence of its headstream Schwarza, discharging the Schneeberg, Rax and Schneealpe ranges of the Northern Limestone Alps, with Pitten Creek.Between Ebenfurth and Leithaprodersdorf, and between Bruck an der Leitha and Gattendorf, the Leitha forms part of the border between the Austrian states of Lower Austria and Burgenland.

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Letha (@Letha310) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Letha (@Letha310). Star Gazer, Beach Junkie, Lover of all Water, Cuddler, Mom to 3 Beauties, Nonna to 5 Angels, Married to Superman, Seeker of Truth, Knower of the Seasons

Leitha - Name Meaning, What does Leitha mean?

Leitha is an unusual surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS) Leitha reached its apex position of #1461 in the U.S. in the 1900s, but is not found in the list at the moment.

БСЭ 3 изд. том 14 - bse.uaio.ru

Латук салат (Lactuca), род растений семейства сложноцветных. Одно-, дву- и многолетние травы, реже полукустарники. Небольшие корзинки собраны в общие соцветия, большей частью метельчатые или кистевидно-метельчатые.

БСЭ 3 изд. том 14 - bse.uaio.ru

ЛАУЭГРАММА, дифракционное изображение неподвижного монокристалла, полученное с помощью рентгеновских лучей. Назв. по имени М. Лауэ, предложившего метод, с помощью к-рого В. Фридрихом и П.