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SSH - Permission denied (publickey) - AWS EC2 [closed] Ask Question. up vote 1 down vote favorite. I am using Bitnami for a Ghost blog. Trying to SSH into the server so I can make changes to the theme via text editor (Atom) and I am having issues SSHing into the server. (MacOSX)
Login to Linux with ec2-user key pair, become root user by “sudo su – root”, then run “su – sybase” to be user “sybase” for ASE administration. ASE server binaries are located at /software/sapase.
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This specification prescribes the requirements for classification of carbon and low-alloy steel flux cored electrodes for flux cored arc welding and metal cored electrodes for gas metal arc welding. The requirements include chemical composition and mechanical properties of the weld metal and certain usability characteristics. Optional, supplemental designators are also included for diffusible ...
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