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FLC 513 and 514 - STEP Oiltools

The Flo-Line Cleaner 500 is powered by two Super G2 vibrating motors for superior performance. While conventional shakers operate in the 3 to 5 G force range, the Super G2 motors produce 7.3 G’s on the FLC 514 (4-panel) and 7.0 G’s on the FLC 513 (3-panel).

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Replacement screens for shale shakers choose proven mesh combinations to improve separation efficiency of the shaker and extend screen lifetime. These screens are engineered to meet the exact design specifications of the 's shale shaker and can be installed directly on the unit in …

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’s feeder designs offer the choice of a traditional weir feed, a low weir, a weir feed with bypass, or a top feed. The standard weir feed consists of a 40.9 gallon tank where the mud flows over a weir and onto the shaker basket. The low weir feed design is one of …

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FLC 503 and 504 - STEP Oiltools

cuttings drying, the FLC 503 and 504 can reduce the oil on cuttings to below 10% by weight. The Results While conventional shakers operate in the 3 to 5 G force range, the Super G motors produce a continuous 7.3 G’s on the FLC 504 (4-panel) and 7.0 G’s on the FLC 503 (3-panel).

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- Flo-Line Cleaner 500, solids control, solids ...

flo-line cleaner ™ 500 With over 15 years of offshore and onshore rig installations, ’s Flo-Line Cleaner ™ 500 Series shakers embody an industry-proven balance of product dependability and enhanced performance.

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SOLIDS CONTROL - Corporation

Founded by H. William Jr. in 1951, ® Corporation was created to solve some of the most challenging mechanical separation needs of the Mining Industry. At the heart of our present-day offering resides the Integrated Vibratory