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Prakruti Products Pvt Ltd. About Us. P rakruti Products specializes in the manufacture of standardized herbal extracts, phytochemicals, organic ingredients and nutraceutical ingredients for leading dietary / food supplement manufacturers around the world.Founded in 1998, ...

Kristal Interiors - Kristal Steel India pvt. ltd

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A Pulpwood distributor with over 2 decades of experience in supplying Pulpwood to various Paper Mills in India. Founded by an eminent Entrepreneur, Shri R. Srinivasan in 1995, the company has since then built a reputation of being one of the most preferred Pulpwood Supplier by almost, all Paper Mills, Rayon & Plywood Industries in India.

Kasturi Spares (India) Diesel Engine Manufacturer and ...

Ours is a leading Diesel Engines (Patter/Lister and Portable Type) and its parts, spares, accessories manufacturing unit named ‘Kasturi Spares (India)’ situated in the Engineering Capital of Rajkot. We are in this field since last 2 decades and at present supplying various types of engines all over India.