I love the Hand2Hand markets. If you are looking for handmade and totally unique items this is the ... place to go! I have been to 2 of their Christmas sales but now see they are having a Mother's Day Event as well - I sure won't miss that.
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May 24, 2017· From the self-titled LP, A7PHA, out March 24, 2017: https://anticon.lnk.to/o17H5ID Directed & Edited by Zack Kasten. Cinematography & Color by Peter Hinson. Staging & …
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covervi 5 and 6 in. TwoHAND™ Random Orbital Sanders Unique Features • TWO HANDED GRIP for better control on vertical or horizontal surfaces. • Side mounted SPEED CONTROL that allows “on-the-fly” speed adjustment while helping to prevent inadvertent switching.