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CPUser Group - CPUser Group

Meeting every second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm except for July and August. Learn more. The CPUser Group is back from Summer vacation and has some great Fall presentations. Don't forget to check out our website for conferences, new technology information and other events.

Crispers Restaurant

Crispers, a Florida based restaurant, started in South Lakeland in 1989 and offers salads, flatbreads, soups and more!

CRUSER Leadership - Naval Postgraduate School

Director. Dr Raymond Buettner is an Associate Professor in the Information Sciences Department at the Navy Postgraduate School and the NPS Director of Field Experimentation. Dr Buettner served 10 years as Naval Nuclear Propulsion Plant Operator while earning his Associate’s and Bachelor’s degrees.

About Crispers

About Crispers. Want to learn a little more about Crispers? It began as a craving. A desire to create a restaurant where you could walk in and be “wowed” with a variety of fresh, unique flavors – not the same old, same old.


© 2018 Papercruiser. All paper models are for personal use only.

Crusader Public Relations LLC – Your full service business ...

Crusader Public Relations has created strategic alliances with outstanding consultants in direct mail, telemarketing, fundraising, list development, digital targeting, polling, radio, and television advertising to provide the most professional and comprehensive service possible to …

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